Being in control of your finances is a fundamental life skill and If you don’t control your finances, your finances will control you. Following The Money Plan will give you a structure of where you are today and where you want to be.
Do you have a clear plan of what your future looks like? not only financially, but actual goals you would like to achieve. Would it be helpful if you did?
Do you sometimes feel unorganised with your finances and want to learn how to manage money better?
Are you unsure when you can retire?
Are you confused with how and where you should be saving money for the future?
Would it be helpful to know a way to make your financial decisions automatic?
If you are struggling with debt management, did you know there is a proven system to accelerate the repayment of your debts?
‘The Money Plan’ achieves the above and much much more through psychology and proven financial planning processes I have used with my clients for over 20-years.
I love what I do, and I’m very fortunate to work with some amazing people who I really enjoy meeting with. However I recognise that some of the people that really need the help from a financial planner, don’t have an opportunity to see one, whether they feel it’s because they don’t earn enough money, or maybe just too intimidated to go to see one. So I wrote my book “The Money Plan” to give those people access to the information I share with my wealthy clients.
The Money Plan isn’t just the book though, it’s what I call the system to better manage your money, and you can find out a lot more about it on this site.
It is a proven five-step process I have developed to put you in control of your money. You can find out more about the process below:
Step 1 – Goals – We start with the plan and goals and ask you a compelling question… “how do you really want to speed the rest of your life?”.
Step 2 – Organise – We have a system to help get you to manage your finances better.
Step 3 – Protect – We show you how to protect yourself and your estate for long term financial success
Step 4 – Debt – We use the proven debt repayment system to accelerate the repayment of your debts.
Step 5 – Invest – We provide you with all the tools and information you will need to ensure you success in your retirement planning
I share my proven plan so you can manage your debts, secure your retirement and live for today.
You have a few options now with The Money Plan and I’d like to share these with you;
We start with the plan and goals and ask ‘how do you really want to spend the rest of your life?’.
We have a system to get you financially organised and make your financial life automatic.
We show you how to protect yourself and your estate for long term financial success.
We use a special debt management system to accelerate the repayment of your debts.
We provide you with all the tools and information you will need to ensure you success in your retirement planning including access to professionally allocated portfolios.